Studio 3 – Week 4


I died?



I began my shot deconstruction



I kind of underestimated how difficult it is to composition a shot, Honestly writing this now I still don’t really know. So what does Cam do when he doesn’t know something? He Lear…..Sssteals it… or well borrows it for study purposes with no intent on publishing it or making any profit whilst openly admitting to doing so, by the way “Student Work” bam! no copyright strikes for me.

So the on on the Right is literally just the same as the shot I deconstructed, the left is some nightmare I threw together myself.



of course after uploading the files to google drive that morning they were nowhere to be found sooooo I learned a bit about color things but I had nothing to put into practice and store that information so it’s all gone, so ahhh yeah thats awesome…

So I went to work doing thumbnails.

So these two took up all of the practical time for the class and I think theyre much better than my previous ones, but I wasn’t happy so I stayed behind after class because I knew I’d get nothing done. I went out and got a drink from the bubbler, and there’s a sign advertising the Pandora, whatever that is, and It gave me a lot of inspiration and I came up with this:


Finally a shot I’m happy with!! I only have one issue, I had intended him to be on the ground floor, but it looks like he’s on a rock jutting out from the wall behind him, so I could either Change the foreground trees to go horizontal or have him stand on a big horizontal log, for now I’ll leave it, I got things to do. I had a few ideas for storyboards whilst I was making this.




I made two different Storyboard sequences for this shot, which I elaborate on in my shot deconstruction which I spent most of the day doing. I for some reason struggled with that, I feel like I missed the memo, I didn’t really get why we did it let a lot what I had to do so I did something and there’s no doubt in my mind I’ll have to go back and change it but what ever I’m a bit of a dumbass so y’know doesn’t really bother me, I need to clock up more hours anyway.

(Insert link here)

Saturday I did a lot of boring admin work, I touched up my project plan/gantt chart tiny things which I was genuinely surprised she put down at all really, but fair enough, at least it’s feedback at all so I do appreciate that. I also wrote out this weeks and last weeks Blogs, and failed at remembering the past two weeks.


Time to start colours


This is pretty basic but it’s nice to visualise different terminology




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