Studio 3 – Week 3

so i basically just continued but it clocked over to Monday morning so I’m putting it in here but i finished more or less the center crystal.

Final Crystal.png

Map no colour.png

3d Map (2).png


After I had finished the Center crystal which took me foooreeevver I was just glad to not deal with the crystal anymore really. I probably then and ate a kebab watched youtube and slept all day before getting back to it focusing on shelters. I put myself in the characters shoes and I thought that I would always keep the most important things with me but I couldn’t really spread myself over the 6 sides and that’s where the idea for a main base of operations came from. It’s really just a man-cave in retrospect but whatever it’s still awesome. The concept for it is that one of the huge rocks fell out of the Crystals orbit and when it hit the ground it broke some large machinery, jamming itself in the cogs and the character came and reinforced it and built a home out of it.


After class I went an put on some cloth and fabric on it, not sold on the colours at the moment… looks more like skin than cloth… maybe it is?







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