Studio 3 – Week 2

Spoiler warning! : all the writing in this blog is basically me ranting and giving myself a pep talk (Sorry not sorry)

In class on Tuesday we began working on Concepts and gave each other feedback. I personally freaking loved this, generally we don’t get much insight into what anyone else in the class is doing and seeing theirs and talking with the class as a whole really gave me some great inspiration and from here until Friday my life revolved around trying to find the crystal center piece, which I personally believe to be the most important part. It is the subject, it’s what powers the entire world and creates/modifies the physics of the cube. As I progressed going design to design the complexity of my ‘Silhouettes’ also progressed, don’t get me wrong I love them all to bits and I think that the extra mile really paid off however instead of blasting out a bunch and working with more ‘disposable’ pieces I’d spend half an hour on one and become more attached.

“Kill your darlings.” -Craig, 2017


Cam Concepts.png

Thursday came and I had burnt myself out on the center crystal and I gave myself a break from it and worked on a few trees which I didn’t get quite right, I like the concept way more than the results I got. I also worked on something I never though I would have thought of, each side of the cube will have One distinguishing landmark, I’ve locked in that a frozen lake will be one, another might be a huge ancient/machine tree, I like the idea of a mountain but I don’t think it’d work inside the cube so I went the other way and thought of a ravine.

By the time Friday’s class came around I was super exited to get feedback on my array of crystals, I had a few that I really liked and I wanted feedback across the board to see what everyone thought about the different things I tried, what worked, what didn’t, what they thought about the ravine so that I could apply that feedback to the entirety of the cube. (And I still kind of want it but it’s probably a bit late I assume I’ve zoomed ahead of this stage by class next week)


Honestly I wasn’t ready for the way class worked on Friday I was expecting a similar sorta thing to Tuesday but the class sorta took a glance at all the concepts and chose one of my throwaway studies and went ham on it, don’t get me wrong I really appreciated it but at the time all I really gained was how I could improve upon that one thing, well still that’s mostly what I got, and that’s not Katie’s or anyone in the class’s fault that’s just my brain being my brain, when things are said to me if I retain that information is rare in itself, however I’m quite passionate about this so I soak it up like a sponge. My problem is I’ll say I understand something or agree with someone but I really have no clue what’s happening. If anyone is reading this at all, even if it’s myself here’s a pro tip on Cam, If you’re unclear if I understand something get me to explain it back to you, I’ll probably use an analogy and say what you said completely differently but if I can articulate it back to you, you know I’ve grasped it.

I was kinda pissed off and confused until I sat down at home after class and I began laughing like stfu Cam, sure they didn’t give you what you wanted, does anyone ever? but they gave you so much on something different something I wasn’t expecting, isn’t that interesting, couldn’t that be fun?

So now that you’ve vented and had a little pout, what’re you gonna do?

I’m gonna watch the best of BGT, listen to some weird shit on spotify and give them more than what they bargained for

That’s more like it





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