Cross Disc – Post Mortem


CIU – Audio Cross Disc


So obviously I did the acting/Improvisation, I also contributed to the initial concept and research and also all the graphics and VFX. The project was in collaboration with two Audio students who created the background music and sound effects, they also optimised the audio of the footage.

To successfully coordinate between the disciplines we set up a Facebook group and a google drive, during the concept/ pre-production stage we delegated roles, Elle was the director and research lead, Jen was Film crew and Initial Editor, I was Actor and Editor, Tinasha and Mitch were the Audio crew.

For the most part our team worked very well together, Elle, Jen and I have worked on multiple projects together in the past so we already knew our strengths and weaknesses and how to work well together.

The Audio students weren’t very helpful considering, they frequently missed meetings and lacked in communication. What held us back the most however was our pre-production stage, we went through multiple ideas and tried to make some of them work. This was around the time I began to research scope and got some advice from Craig, Don’t beat a dead horse, Don’t waste your time doing something that you really already know won’t work. Kill your darlings.

If I were to redo this project I wouldn’t waste so much time trying to recover something that was doomed to fail, I would drop it and move on. I would also liked to have filmed a little earlier in the tri so we had more time to edit, also I’d either extend it out to 10 minutes or shorten it down to under 5, 8 minutes is a weird length.

Honestly I didn’t learn much about the workflow for the Audio students, they hardly communicated let alone showed up.




Tina’s Group – Film


This cross-disc project was interesting to say the least, the group kept changing leads and communication was extremely poor, so I ended up avoiding the group and essentially worked for Tina which I believe worked quite well, I never ended up meeting them once but we had a few brief conversations over slack.

My contribution to the project included, redoing the storyboards, creating a shot and asset list, a bunch of assets and the majority of the basic animation. The film students made a film and took our animation and sprinkled it through the film.

Storyboard Redo - Cam (2).png

As I mentioned I didn’t deal with the film students very much, I mainly communicated with Tina, we used Facebook to talk and organised files through Google Docs, we also used a Google spread sheet to organize assets and shots.

My ability to objectively scope down an outrageously over-scoped project from 40+ shots of complex animation to 9 shots of basic animation. I personally would have liked to have done more however I had to prioritize both my and Tina’s specialization projects which were suffering.

The film students were a bit of a mess, I had to redo a majority of the files they had provided so that it made sense, they kept changing leads and throwing out all these differing opinions. Tina really struggled this tri, she didn’t want to let these people down and tried to counteract me by scoping up things that she was working on, which I then convinced her not to, the film students seemed fine with the level I had scoped down to.

Next time I probably wouldn’t take this project, it was a mess all around. However if I had to do it again I would smash it out and get it over and done with, it dragged on for way longer than it had to.

Again I learned nothing about the other disciplines, the conversations that I saw and heard through Tina was a mess.



Liam Lyttle – Audio

This cross disc was a nightmare. I contacted Liam in week 1, I had worked with him previously and it went really well. However it seems I wasn’t the only one and he bit off more than he could chew. Elle and Jen and a few others also contacted him and did projects with him this tri. Even though I was the first one to contacted him. We communicated over Facebook and face to face a few times, we shared files through Google drive.

It was great that we got the ball rolling in week 1, I did all the concept work and sourced reference material for the both of us. I also kept scoping the project down as time went on, getting to the point where the project went from including a backing track, dialogue to just two very short lines of dialogue. Perhaps the only other thing that stood out is that he got something to me at all on Wednesday week 13.

Communication dwindled a bit, Liam bit off more than he could chew but also wouldn’t drop the project even after I asked him.

Next time I would really keep the communication up, be constantly talking and taking more of a lead on the project, and try to get things moving faster, put a deadline by mid tri and work with Liam more actively.

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