Journal Week 8 – Studio 2

What Have I Done This Week?

As of this Week, I wanted to Try Tweeting progress updates more often:

Well, I have a long way to go before I’m proficient at using Twitter but It’s a huge step in the right direction.

I also posted a video to YouTube documenting a bit of my progress on the scene I was working on, unfortunately, I didn’t think of this before I’d started Rigging so I didn’t capture any of the drawing phases.

I created four separate Rigs in using Duik this week, The first was a little Potato looking guy from a tutorial that Tina showed me in class. The Next was one I tried using the same method at home but I’d drawn them myself, however, Duik had an Update so I had to teach myself all over again using a few tutorials. The third and fourth are the two characters in the final scene that I produced this week, They aren’t perfect I’m still trying to figure out how to Rig the heads properly but they work quite well for the most part and I now have the general workflow down pat. Along the way, I jotted down a few notes:

After I’d Rigged I followed a few more Glitch Tutorials as the previous one I’d done was quite complex, after this I compiled the whole thing and bam!

Now for some unknown reason, I’d decided to start working on the Last scene in the overall concept, first… I’m just weird like that. But yeah, That’s been my week.


What Have I Learned This Week?


I learned a lot this week and the majority of it was all to do with After Effects, I learned that getting Duik on the PCs at Uni is a bitch, but I also learned how to create and rig a simple humanoid character within two versions of Duik. I also learned a lot about the general program, what certain effects do, how to animate within it, a bunch of shortcuts, Shyguy, different modes etc.






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