Blog 2 – Collaborating with Fans

This week we shattered my understanding of collaboration and ways you can involve fans. What I would have defined collaboration as is: two or more people/parties working together to create content. However that all changed after this class, now I would define it as content that has been influenced or altered by a third party in someway, this could be as small as someone leaving a comment on a post that you’ve made.

This change in my understanding of what collaborating consists of, means that i can view almost everything as collaboration, formerly I believed that it would be years until I collaborated to the same degree as ANI111, but now I can see how I’ve been collaborating for quite some time.

A great example of collaboration and a unique way of going about it come from a famous Youtuber, Draw with Jazza. Jazza livestreams regularly on twitch where his live audience voted on different characters for him to mashup.

Innovative ways to collaborate (Draw with Jazza, 2017)

In the future I’ll begin to seize opportunities for collaboration that I never thought possible before now. Much like Jazza, a simple question over social media and feedback from friend are just the start! Collaboration is a two way street, I cannot forget it’s not just others impacting my work but also vise versa.



Draw with Jazza. (2017). SHREK + RYUK – Character MASHUP ART CHALLENGE!. Retrieved from

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