Blog 1 – Being a Professional

This week we discussed Phil Fish, how and why he became famous and whether or not he is an asshole. We discussed a video which elaborated on Phil’s situation and explained why he’s in it. we then proceeded to answer questions based on our understanding and opinions based around whether or not he was an asshole. after reading the classes responses it’s clear that generally even after people have watched that video people think that Phil Fish is an asshole or they simply do not know as they don’t know him personally. what I found interesting with the 14 responses, is that I was the only person to answer No. While I agree that I don’t know him personally,  I do know part of his professional narrative. However being blunt and opinionated does not inherently make you an asshole.

This is Phil Fish (Innuendo Studios, 2014)

I believe it’s important to uphold a level of professionalism, however I don’t believe that being a professional means suppressing your opinions to achieve that professionalism. Personally I find the opposite true; that in expressing your opinion you are actually being much more professional, however I believe that you must allow others to express theirs and that the manner in which you do so are both very important. Your attitude and the way in which you present it is contagious; that’s why some people can light up the room with a smile. this carries over to social media, and by extension your audience.

We can all learn from Phil Fish and how he handled himself on social media, and use his mistakes as a model of what not to do as a creative practitioner. It’s simple, it boils down to treating others how you would like to be treated, or rather treat your audience how you want them to treat you.




Innuendo Studios. (2014). This Is Phil Fish. Retrieved from


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