Media Use and Identity

I have grown up in a time of evolutionary consumerism, as such the media in which I consume has also evolved. When I was young I would read comic books, play trading card games and watch cartoons; now, well not a whole lot has changed, I still watch cartoons, they just look so convincing one mightn’t be able to tell the difference. Animation has grown dramatically in the last 20-30 years with the complete game-changer of 3D animation and the rapid shift towards it, to the point where now it has practically taken over.

Technology has a major part to play in this, countless animation software have been developed to make things faster, easier, more convenient. This is where I found my first drawing tablet and photoshop, the tools that would give legitimacy to drive my path of animation. A drawing tablet comes around the cheaper more accessible end of the spectrum, at the other end is technology such as the HTC Vive and Tilt Brush by Google to create 3D models in VR, then you have the option to export those files onto the PC and edit the polygons there, alternately you can 3D print the model. I wish to take advantage of neither end of the spectrum but the entirety of it and use the help of other people to assist me in the telling and creation of an idea or story; a message to all that no matter what you can push on and prevail.

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